Why hurt the testes in men in the long introduction after the introduction and

The process of erection in men not only associated with the influx of blood to the sexual Organ, in the work of the Department of the brain, the nervous system is involved. During normal intercourse, arousal, ejaculation, ending, if the semen comes from the testicles. More quickly the blood leaves the spongy body, which goes to excitation.

why pain at the end of eggs in men

To remove at a young age symptoms is easy, the body takes excess pressure by means of the spontaneous discharge of the seminal fluid from the Penis all the way in the night. Normalization actions leading to the termination of such a Situation, but sometimes the self-cleaning of the testes does not happen. This leads to pain at the end of eggs in men according to the introduction, the symptoms occur in the groin, scrotum.

No sexual liberation – one of the main reasons. The mechanism of the phenomenon is quite simple: excitation leads to a filling of the cavernous bodies of blood, sexual intercourse, no blood leaves the body very slowly, while the rapid movement of the sperm promotes bursting through the channels. Aggregation processes explains why in men, pain at the end of eggs after the introduction.

Men, leading a regular sex life rarely experienced, a Symptom, if pain in testicle after the introduction. However, if you have a character, you may receive the following pathologies:

  • The formation of the reproductive system (malignant, benign);
  • Infection of the ways to support the seed (bacterial, not bacterial);
  • Varicocele;
  • Torsion of the spermatic cord;
  • Injuries of the scrotum.

We consider the reasons of overstimulation eggs hurt:

  1. Varicose veins of the Penis leads to a Stagnation of blood. Result – not from the tissues of the small pelvis, the right amount of nutrients, the sperm gradually die.
  2. Torsion of the spermatic cord – another reason for the non-pathological character. Torsion is also delayed by the supply of nutrients to the pain which the egg starts. In this case, you should help immediately, otherwise, the egg can wither away.
  3. Injury to the groin area. Strong contusion leads to inflammation of the tissue, the accumulation of blood and fluid. Hematoma causes unpleasant and painful sensations when touched, and to determine, piqued, whether the egg should immediately consult a specialist.
  4. Excitement of a long-term character brings very serious problems. Brainstorming Signal from the pituitary causes the testosterone to flow in the bloodstream in large quantities, the corpora cavernosa to fill up and you will get the erection. Not a normal act, unwillingness of the partner makes a long-term process of the excitation and the vessels sealed. The walls of the blood vessels pressure on the muscles and nerve endings, man is physically hurt. Relieve condition can only be due to the release of seminal fluid.
  5. Abstinence – a further cause for pain in the testicles. The spawning of Mature male bodies are constantly producing sperm, it leads to an accumulation of necrosis, the decomposition of the sperm. The voltage may decrease, but a high level of functionality of the testes do not dissolve quickly excess sperm. Coat organs expands, because the pain in the eggs of abstinence.

Understand why pain you are eggs and in men, when excited, you should keep in mind that in some patients an increase in testosterone levels leads to a process without further reasons. To remove the symptoms, you should establish a regular sex life.

If the symptoms does not happen, the doctor will prescribe the investigation and therapy rubs. Evaluated the condition of the prostate, of the testicles. Palpation often exacerbation of the symptom, but together with the collection of anamnesis and instrumental investigations caused, the diagnosis is more precise.

Causes of pain in akikah

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Any kind of pain — pain, stabbing, sharp on the right side of the groin area and, more specifically, in the right testicle can have many causes. This most often happens with injuries of the scrotum.

It is not the Trauma or shock can cause edema, swelling and discoloration of the skin. Such symptoms go after 2-3 weeks after the injury.

If these symptoms are accompanied by elevated body temperature, severe pain with movement, nausea or vomiting, and then requires emergency care.

The reason for the restlessness of the disease state of the right testicle, a suspected inguinal hernia, Torsion of seed ropes.

The data of the pathology reflected colic in the bar, drawing pains in the right leg, an uncomfortable condition during intimacy.

Tumor venous node —one of the reasons for pain

The left testicles of the man is not different from the right, but there are diseases, which is made of the left testicle and men, the mass of the inconvenience to deliver the pain to go down to the scrotum, pain hanging in, Sex. These symptoms intensify its Manifestation in physical exertion and sexual contact. So the male disease of the testicle varicocele manifested varicose veins, with the formation of tumors from the venous node.

Most often the disease occurs in adolescence, 14-15 years, but can sometimes occur in men, in adulthood. Pathology arises because of the peculiarities of the left veins of the testis, its location in the area of the testicles and the included vein in the left kidney.

With minimal pressure, increase of venous pressure brachial injuries of the testis and venous knots.

There are men later is not only a painful disease, but also infertility, with a complete defeat of the reproductive function.

Pain in only one egg is a reason to visit a doctor and check the condition of the organs in the area of the groin. Even small changes in the structure of testes may lead to symptoms of symptoms of a serious pathological.

Pain in the testicles can be a very sensitive topic for most men. A lot of people ignore, in the hope that they will go away by itself. But often the Problem does not disappear and causes serious diseases. In some cases, immediate medical help is.

Overheating can infertility caused by hormonal disturbances and changes in the composition of semen, which. At the top of the channel that leads out of sperm runs. Even the testicles are made up of shells, testicular artery, venous Plexus, appendages.

Why hurt the testicles — the main causes and how to treat them

Symptoms and causes

If pain at the end of eggs in men, then you are often think that this happened due to impact or crushing, sometimes even without knowing that a banal flu, SARS, especially with complications and a negative impact on the function of the testes. Pain in the testicles, hormonal disorders, injuries, pathologies of the blood vessels, a huge list of diseases of the urogenital and excretory systems can be causing.

Therefore, you need to know, if the testicles hurts to go to the doctor. At the slightest pain in the scrotum, the inspection of a competent doctor-urologa must. Better still, once hurt to check to solve the Problem: if the testicles, what it can be and will be treated as the loss of his manhood, in consequence of the complications of the disease.

There is a whole list of reasons why the eggs may be sick. The pain varies in intensity, a result in one of the testicles or in both.

To this group of reasons why ill be ei in men, are mechanical injury to the testicles and the Penis during the impact, and injuries, to damage to the nerves with the Penis and testicles put together.

Such injuries occur due to sub-cooling, overheating, frequent Masturbation to Masturbation right nut hurts, but you can observe the discomfort and to the left and also directly from two sides.

If the violation occurred during the all-too-active friction during sexual intercourse, abuse of Sex toys, then the eggs, after Sex sore.

The reasons why pain in the testicles in men, the wearing of tight underwear, chemical, or radioactive exposure at the place of residence or work.

Diseases, sexually transmitted infections, inflammatory processes have a cause, why hurt the eggs at the man.


In this group of causes for pain in the area of the testicles in men, are the numerous problems with the vessels. This blockage of the blood vessels that supply nutrients to the testis, which there is pain, torsion of the testicle, leading to necrosis lead, if not timely professional help to look for varicocele (varicose veins in the testes, and in the last stages leads to pains of the testes in the male, and pulls in the scrotum).

To hurt this group of reasons, why the man eggs, to include Prostatitis, Urethritis, stones in the urine, and other pathology, the pain of which in the testes.

A strong Trauma to the scrotum.

Often the cause of sharp and aching pain in the testicles in men. In the case of mechanical stress, the violation of the integrity of the testis can. In such a condition, the man is strong and unbearable pain to track from which he could suffer from shock and lose consciousness. If man eggs hurt due to an injury, what a woman needs to decide quickly. A doctor should be used immediately, to avoid complications that can lead to even loss of the testicle.

Torsion of the spermatic cord.

A very dangerous cause of the pain requires at the end of the eggs, the instant access to the urologist. Usually happens during sleep. In this case, the man had no visible injuries, no diseases of the reproductive organs, suddenly, a sharp pain in the scrotum, radiating to the leg. But sometimes twist happens during the active movements during the coitus, that the answer to the question: why after having Sex testicles hurt.

The disease hurt the cause, because of the the testes, it is quickly leads to the development of necrosis of the tissue, since the compressed nerves and blood vessels, with the help of the nutrition of the testicles. Such a reason, from what can be ill egg, more common in childhood, occurs in men, it can be used by great physical exertion.

Not always discomfort and pain in the testicles in men, associated with the development of pathological processes. Often this is due to the simple physiology of the man. This does not happen when sexual arousal spit sperm, and explains why pain the eggs to the Riser. This happens often in puberty, when the young men are very active in the sexual sense, but still don't understand why the pain at the end of eggs in men who do not know how to discharge sexual tension.

But sometimes the question, why do eggs hurt after a long abstinence, excite, and adults. If a man is excited, the sexual organs swell because of the flood of blood. If, for any reason, he is not the sexual liberation, in the testicles the pain appear sensations can. If it solved such a Problem, that pain testicular end of abstinence, the question of "what to do" in several ways:

how to relieve the pain
  1. Sex. You can in the question: what to do if hurt the eggs from the arousal with the Sex, during which a lot of tension subsides with the testicles and the pain disappears.
  2. Self-satisfaction. An answer to the question: if abstinence pain at the end of the eggs, what to do.
  3. Distraction from the thoughts about Sex. If the eggs are hurt by abstinence, but if there is a ban on the doctors Sex, no longer do not need to take a few hours of waiting, until the arousal to nothing (pain usually about 4 hours).

But it's worth it to know that, if the balls hurt after Masturbation, this may be due to the opposite cause, that is, if the man often ejaculates for a short period of time. These pains are not life-threatening, go for a couple of hours. But in this case, the men will be moderate should your sexual zeal.

Disturbing pain in the testicles in men has diverse causes. It is the result of a banal sexual abstinence may or may warn about the presence of serious diseases. In most cases, unpleasant Symptom that bothers the young men and adult men, but sometimes it is a feeling of action and children.

Factors contributing to the emergence of pain in the testicles, is divided in 5 main groups:

  1. Physiological. The pain occurs after a prolonged excitation. Unpleasant feeling requires no specific treatment and disappears spontaneously after a few hours. If the pain should not be consult within 10 hours, a man at the urologist.
  2. Traumatic. A large number of receptors on the male genitalia to make testicles hurt even at low pressure, shock, or hypothermia.
  3. Epididymitis and Orchitis. Inflammatory processes in the dam will provoke strong swelling and the appearance of pain.
  4. Vascular. In the case of various pathologies of the blood vessels the eggs in the man can root. To called the most important diseases of atherosclerotic Plaques, thrombi, varicocele, Looping vein, the death of tissue due to insufficient supply of blood.
  5. Pathology of the reproductive system, annoying sexual nerve at all levels. To belong to this group, Urethritis, Tumor, kidney stones, damage to the ureter.

Each of the groups of pathologies differs in the specifics of the pain sensation, requires men of a timely and adequate actions.



The pain and discomfort in the area of the testicles in men, warn of possible under-compliance with some rules of prevention, namely:

  • be monitored regularly;
  • to actively participate in sports;
  • eat right and lose weight;
  • not Smoking and not abuse alcohol;
  • to have Sex regularly;
  • protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections;
  • do not wear tight, ill-fitting underwear and clothing;
  • timely SARS, influenza, Mumps heal and avoid complications.